


How do we take back our democracy? First, we have to recognize that a change is needed in Congress. Next, we have to admit that the change begins with me. Then, we have to wage the battle and fight for the changes that will makeĀ  democracy work for us.

We are seeing the consequences of the decisions that have been made. The question now becomes: “Am I willing to step up and influence fundamental change in our government by changing the representatives who are impacting our lives?

  • 2018 National Debt
  • Affordable Health Care
  • Affordable Housing
  • Criminal Justice Reform
  • Cyber Security
  • Disasters
  • Election Readiness
  • Gun Control
  • Immigration Reform
  • Jobs
  • Living Wage
  • Protected Pensions
  • Social Security
  • Student Loan Debt
  • Voting Rights

Your education, your housing, your jobs, your health, your safety, your security are at stake.

Your faith, your family, your country, your values are under assault by factions of local, state and federal representatives.

Your party affiliation does not matter but your choice to represent you does make the difference.

What happens between voting seasons is critical. Organizing, educating, building people power, and more. One election will not solve the age-old practice of injustice and equality which is not only alive and well but totally unfiltered and explosive.

Who you elect will make decisions that impact your life and those you care about.

As the motto goes. “If it is to be, it’s up to me.”

All of the me’s plus you’s can add up to equity and justice.